Dr. Baldev Raj BE (Ravishankar Univ.) Ph.D.(IISc) FNAE, FASc., FNASc., HFICNDT, HFISNT, HFBINDT, FIIM,FUSI, FASI
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam 603 102, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone (O) + 91 44 27480234, 27480240
Fax: + 91 44 27480060, 27480301
E.mail:; URL:
Short Profile
BALDEV Raj; Indian. Scientist; b April 9, 1947 Jammu Tawai (India); Educ: BE, PhD,Ravishankar Univ, Raipur, Indian institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore; specialization in: Materials characterization & Technology Management; m. Aruna Kumari, two s; Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai 1970-73; Scientist, RISO National Lab (Denmark) 1973-74; Group Leader, RML, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam 1974-81, Head: RML 1981-86, Divn. For PIE&NDT 1986-93, Director, Metallurgy & Materials Group 1993-2004, Chemical & Reprocessing Group 1999-2004, Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 2004?; Fellow : Third World Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad, Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences, Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Institute of Metals, Acoustic Society of India, Ultrasonic Society of India, International Institute of Quality Assurance, UK; Elected Member: German National Academy of Sciences; Honorary Member, International Committee on NDT, Hellenic Society of NDT, Greece, Hon. Fellow, British Institute of NDT, Indian Society of NDT, Indian Welding Society; President, International Committee on NDT (1992-96), 14th World Conference on NDT, Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) (2005 -), NACE International Southern Region (2004 - ), Chairman, Policy & General Purpose Committee, ICNDT (1996-2004), Working Group on Research & University Education, ICNDT, Education Group, World Federation of NDE Centres (1998), Indian Nuclear Society, Kalpakkam Branch (2004 - ), Engineering Heritage Committee (Metallurgy) of INAE (2003- ), Foreign Secretary, Indian National Academy of Engineering (2005 - ), Founder Member, Board of Directors, World Federation of NDE Centres, USA, Chairman, Past-President, Acoustic Emission Working Group of India, Patron, Acoustic Emission Working Group of India, Past-President, Indian Group of International Society of Stereology, Past-President of International Committee on NDT, Patron, Indian Group of International Society of Stereology, President, Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (1997), President, Indian Institute of Welding (2001-2002), Member, Asian Pacific Committee on NDT, Founder Member, Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials, Member, MRSI Council - Topic Chairman, Materials Characterisation (1998-2001), Vice President, MRSI (2008-2011), Academia NDT International, Academic, Professional & International Affairs in the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2008-2011), Chairman, NDT Committee of the Bureau of Indian Standards, Member, Committee on Centre for NDT, IIT Madras, Chennai, Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy (SAGNE), IAEA (2004 - ), Advisory Board, NDE Centre, University of Massachusetts, USA, Research Council, National Metallurgical Laboratory (1996-200 & 2004 - ); Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute (2001-2003) and Central Electrochemical Research Institute (2001- ); International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) (2003- ), Divisional Scientific Committee on Structural Integrity, NAL, CSIR (1996-2004), Programme Advisory Committee on Metallurgy, Mining & Material Science of DST (1997-2000), Scientific Advisory Council to Prime Minister (2005- ), Committee on Nanoscience & Technology Initiative, Department of Science & Technology, Government of South Africa (2009), Member, Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management (2008), Editorial Board of Steel Technology (2008), Chairman, Committee on Science & Technology of Department of Economic Affairs, Member, Committee on High Sensitivity Detection of Chemicals, Central Advisory Board of Archaeology (CABA), Archaeological Survey of India, Govt. of India (2005- ); Member, Advisory Board of Summer School of Modeling, Experimentation & Validation (MeV), Idaho National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory & Idaho State University (21-30 July 2009), Member, Board of Advisors, "The Al Gore Sustainable Technology Venture Competition, India" (2009), Board of Directors of International Institute of Welding, Standing Advisory Group on Nuclear Energy of IAEA, Distinguished Professor: Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, PSG College of Science & Technology, Coimbatore, Vellore Institute of Technology; Adjunct Professor: PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, University Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai; Publs: The Encyclopedia of Materials (Published by Elsevier Science Pub., Oxford, UK); More than 700 publications in leading national and international journals, referred books, manuscripts of status articles; delivered more than 314 honour, plenary, key note and invited lectures, 42 books and special volumes of journals (co-author of 12 books, 15 monographs and co-editor of 27 books & special journal volumes). He has 5 Indian Standards and 20 patents to his credit. He has contributed 24 articles in Encyclopaedia and a large number of reviews; National Metallurgist Award (1986), Acoustic Emission Working Group of India Gold Medal (1994), G.D. Birla Gold Medal (1996), SAIL Gold Medal (1999), MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity & Material Science Annual Prize (2004), Life Time Achievement Award of Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing (2004), Indian Welding Society (2004), Jaeger Lecture Award of International Institute of Welding (2004), International Researcher Award of International Committee on NDT (2000-2004), Indian Nuclear Society Award (2004), Stanley Ehrilich Gold Medal Lecture, Corrosion Awarenes Award from NACE International India Section (2006), National NDT Award for International Recognition from Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (2006), 15th Nayudamma Memorial Lecture Award, Padma Shri, Government of India (2007), Indian Science Monitor Award from Indian Science Monitor Foundation (2007), Distinguished Alumni Award for sustained excellence in Science and Technology by the Indian Institute of Science (2008), Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award (2008), FICCI Award for the outstanding contributions to Science and Technology in the context of Industries and Society (2008), Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Centenary Year Award (2009), Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award in the field of Engineering & Technological Sciences, Department of Science & Technology, Government of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2007 (Awarded in 2010), INSA Prize for Materials Science, Indian National Science Academy (2010), Platinum Medal Award of the Indian Institute of Metals (2010), Pursuits: Philosophy, religion, education and science of cultural heritage; Address: Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, (IGCAR), Kalpakkam 603102, Tamil Nadu, India.
Dr. Baldev Raj, BE, Ph.D; Member, German National Academy of Sciences, International Nuclear Energy Academy, Fellow, Third World Academy of Sciences, Fellow of all Engineering and Science Academies in India and Distinguished Scientist & Director, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam 603102, Department of Atomic Energy, Tamil Nadu. His specializations include materials characterization, testing and evaluation using non-destructive evaluation methodologies, materials development and performance assessment and technology management. He has steered and mentored large, multi and cross-disciplinary domains and multi-institutional teams to earn for India an eminent and esteemed position in high technology domain of sustainable clean energy system; sodium cooled fast spectrum reactor with closed fuel cycle. This energy system has the capacity to deliver large clean energy to the country and the world for centuries. He has more than 760 publications in leading refereed journals and books. He has been invited to contribute to 26 times for contributions in Handbooks and Encyclopedia. He has co-authored and co-edited 58 books and special journal volumes. He has 5 Indian Standards and 21 patents to his credit. He is on the editorial boards of national and international journals. He is Editor-in-Chief of three series of books: one related to NDE Science & Technology second related to Metallurgy & Materials and third related to Corrosion Science & Technology. He has guided 20 Ph.D. students. He has taught courses in eminent institutes in India and abroad. He has delivered more than 300 honour, plenary, keynote and invited talks in some of the most eminent forums related to his fields of specialization. These achievements establish him as an eminent and prolific researcher in domains of his expertise. He is acclaimed in India and world for his excellent and sustained contributions. He has been responsible for starting, nurturing and enhancing international collaborations of high merit of relevance and eminence with Germany, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Japan, Singapore, China, South Africa, USA, etc. He is the past-President of International Committee on NDT. He is President of Indian National Academy of Engineering, Vice President, Materials Research Society of India, Vice President, Academia NDT International and President-elect, International Institute of Welding (a member body of more than 50 countries with affiliation to United Nations and International Standards Organization). He has won many awards and honours, notable among them during the last five years include: Padma Shri from Govt. of India (a Civilian honour - 2006), Distinguished Alumni Award (2007) of Indian Institute of Science, Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award-2008 of Indian National Academy of Engineering, Distinguished Materials Scientist for the year 2009 from Materials Research Society of India, Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries Annual Award for Outstanding Research in Materials Science (2007-08), Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award from Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh (2007), Indian National Science Academy Prize for Materials Science (2010), Portevin Lecture of International Institute of Welding (2011), etc. He is member, Global Energy International Prize Committee, Russia (considered parallel to Nobel Prize in the domain of Energy), Nano Mission Council of Department of Science & Technology, India, National Nanotechnology Advisory Board of South Africa; Chairman of India-Brazil-South Africa Initiative on Nano Science & Technology, Scientific Advisory Council to Prime Minister, Scientific Advisory Committee to Cabinet, etc. He is Adjunct Professor of Institute of Chemical Technology, University of Mumbai, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA, INAE-AICTE Distinguished Visiting Professor of Vellore Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai. His expertise is acclaimed by research, academia and industry and thus he has been reqauested to build strategic capacities of high significance and enriching specific domains of expertise of high importance to the country. His holistic management of two townships with more than 10,000 residents with six schools, two hospitals and many unique facilities such as zero solid waste, entertainment, sports, etc. is exemplary in ensuring inspiring and quality living. His other interests include science and technology of cultural heritage and theosophy. He has passion for teaching, communications and mentoring.
Dr. Baldev Raj's Home Page
Dr. Baldev Raj BE (Ravishankar Univ.) Ph.D.(IISc) FNAE, FASc., FNASc., HFICNDT, HFISNT, HFBINDT, FIIM,FUSI, FASI
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)
Kalpakkam 603 102, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone (O) + 91 44 27480234, 27480240
Fax: + 91 44 27480060, 27480301
E.mail:; URL:
Areas of Specialisation
Science and Technology, Fast Breeder Reactor with Closed Fuel Cycle, Materials characterization, Testing and Evaluation using nondestructive evaluation methodologies, Materials development and performance assessment and technology management.
Awards (Recent)
Platinum Medal Award of IIM (2010), INSA Prize for Materials Science, Indian National Science Academy (2010), Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award in the field of Engineering & Technological Sciences, Department of Science & Technology, Government of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2007 (Awarded in 2010) 1st Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Centenary Year Award (2009), FICCI Award for the outstanding contributions to Science and Technology in the context of Industries and Society (2008), Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award (2008), Distinguished Alumni Award (2008) from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Padma Shri, Government of India (2007), National NDT Award for International Recognition from Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (2006), Stanley Ehrlich Gold Medal Lecture, Corrosion Awareness Award form NACE International India Section (2006) more ....
Present Positions
Elected President, International Institute of Welding, which has a membership of fifty one countries (2010), Elected Fellow of ASM International, USA; Member, DAE Science Research Council; External Expert, Peer Review Committee for the Cluster -Chemical Sciences, Group I: Chemical Materials & Energy, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi (2010); Member, Governing Body of J&K State Council for Science & Technology (2010); Member, Research Council, Institute of Minerals & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar (2010); Member, Advisory Council, Great Lakes-Bauer Energy Executive MBA Programme (2010); Chairman, Research Advisory Board of PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, Coimbatore (2010); Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Bulletin of Materials Science; Vice President, Academia NDT International and Vice President (Academic, Professional & International Affairs) in the Indian National Academy of Engineering (2008-2011), Vice President, MRSI (2008-2011). more ...
My Residence:
2A, 2nd Avenue, DAE Township,
Kalpakkam 603 102
Tamil Nadu, India
Papers in Journals / Encyclopedia / Handbooks / Referred Books
Research 409
Development 83
Failure Analysis 16
Review Papers 82
Refereed Books 144
Encyclopedia Articles 24
Books/Monographs Authored 15
Books / Special Issues of Journals Edited 27
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journals/Encyclopedia 12
Other Contributions of Merit
Status Papers 7
International Benchmarks 1
IAEA's Perspective in India's Nuclear Programme 8
Standards 5
International Institute of Welding Documents 11
Popular Articles 46
Popular Books 2
Courses in Educational Institutes 5
Patents 20
Citations Index
Lectures on Invitation (Manuscripts in edited volumes)
Honour 88
Plenary 47
Key note 67
Invited 102
| Publication List | Special Articles | Citation Index |
Scientific & Technological Contributions
The application of acoustic emission technique for detailed understanding of dislocation dynamics, deformation process, detection of early fatigue damage and oxidation processes. He discovered acoustic amplification during deformation.
For the first time, Dr. Baldev Raj has identified couplant independent ultrasonic spectral parameters for characterization of microstructures in steels, thus paving the way for online process monitoring applications.
Through systematic analysis of ultrasonic data, he has brought out a new correlation between two independent elastic properties, the ultrasonic shear wave velocity and Poisson�s ratio, in a wide variety of isotropic solid materials, such as pure metals, ceramics, polymers and intermetallics.
Dr. Baldev Raj has applied for the first time, anywhere in the world, an advanced impact echo technique for assessing the integrity of the ring beam, one of the critical components of a nuclear reactor containment building. He has extended this technique to Delhi Iron Pillar, a monument of international significance dating back to early 4th Century.
Dr. Baldev Raj has proposed a two stage process of irreversible magnetic domain wall movement during magnetization of ferromagnetic materials to correlate the Magnetic Barkhausen emission parameters with evolving microstructures during tempering, tensile deformation and fatigue damage.
He has developed more than ten innovative sensors and associated instrumentation, which have found applications and resulted in patents. An example of application is an in-house state-of-the-art intelligent imaging system, using artificial neural network, for automatic eddy current testing and three dimensional characterization of defects in electrically conducting materials such as the austenitic stainless steel plates and welds.
Dr. Baldev Raj has developed and patented a colloidal force microscope, for in-situ measurement of very weak forces (10-13N to 10-11N) between individual colloidal particles that provides valuable insights into colloidal stability.
Membership of Academies and Societies
Fellow of Third World of Academy of Science
Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering
Fellow of Indian National Science Academy
Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad
Fellow of Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
Fellow of Indian Institute of Metals
Fellow of Acoustic Society of India
Fellow of Ultrasonic Society of India
Fellow of International Institute of Quality Assurance, UK
Honorary Member, International Committee on NDT (only 12 professionals in the world)
Honorary Member, Hellenic Society of NDT, Greece (only one in Asia)
Honorary Fellow, British Institute of NDT (only one from Asia)
Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of NDT (the youngest to get the honour)
Elected Fellow of ASM International, USA
Membership Details
Membership Details
Membership of Academies and Societies
Fellow of Third World of Academy of Science
Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering
Fellow of Indian National Science Academy
Fellow of Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India, Allahabad
Fellow of Tamil Nadu Academy of Sciences
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India)
Fellow of Indian Institute of Metals
Fellow of Acoustic Society of India
Fellow of Ultrasonic Society of India
Fellow of International Institute of Quality Assurance, UK
Honorary Member, International Committee on NDT (only 12 professionals in the world)
Honorary Member, Hellenic Society of NDT, Greece (only one in Asia)
Honorary Fellow, British Institute of NDT (only one from Asia)
Honorary Fellow, Indian Society of NDT (the youngest to get the honour)
Elected Fellow of ASM International, USA
Awards & Honours
Description Name of Institution Year
Platinum Medal Award Indian Institute of Metals 2010
INSA Prize for Materials Science Indian National Science Academy 2010
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru National Award in the field of Engineering & Technological Sciences Dept. of Science & Technology, Government of Madhya Pradesh for the year 2007 2010
1st Dr. Homi J. Bhabha Centenary Year Award Nayudamma Centre for Development Alternatives, Nellore 2009
FICCI Award for the outstanding contributions to Science and Technology in the context of Industries and Society. Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) 2008
Prof. Jai Krishna Memorial Award
Indian National Academy of Engg. 2008
Distinguished Alumni Award for sustained excellence in Science and Technology Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. 2008
National Metallurgist Award (Research-Academy) Union Ministry of Steel and Indian Institute of Metals 2007
Indian Science Monitor Award Indian Science Monitor Foundation 2007
Padma Shri Govt. of India 2007
National NDE Award for International Recognition Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing 2006
1st Prof. A.K.Rao Memorial Lecture ISAMPE 2006
Stanley Ehrlich Distinguished Lecture and Gold Medal, Acoustical Foundation for Education and Charitable Trust, India 2006
Corrosion Awareness Award NZCE International India Section 2006
Prof. P. Joga Rao Memorial Lecture, National Seminar on Aerospace Structure. Visvesvaraya National Institute, Nagpur 2006
Prof. E.C. Subba Rao Distinguished Lecture Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2006
15th Nayuddamma Memorial Award 2005
NOCL Award IICh.E 2005
Indian Nuclear Society Award INS 2004
Prof. Brahm Prakash Memorial Lecture Indian Institute of Metals, Kalpakkam 2005
Prof. C.Y. Krishna Murty Memorial Lecture 2005
Prof. R.V. Tamhankar Memorial Lecture Indian Institute of Metals 2005
Dr. S. Bhagavantam Award for outstanding achievements and sustained leadership in Acoustics. Acoustical Society of India 2003-04
Jaeger Lecture Award Intl. Inst. Welding 2004
Life Time Achievement Award IWS 2004
MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity & Materials Science Annual Prize MRSI 2004
Life Time Achievement Award of Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing ISNDT 2004
The First International Committee on NDT Research Award (Sokolov Award) (The best researcher internationally chosen among 40 countries) ISNDT 2000-04
Distinguished Scientist Award Jaya Engineering College 2004
V S Jain Memorial Lecture ISNT, Thiruvanathapuram 2003
Guest of Honour Lecture Nehru Centre, Mumbai 2003
T L Rama Char Memorial Lecture Eletro chemical Soceity of India 2002
KK Memorial Lecture Indian Institute of Metals - Baroda Chap. 2002
Guest of Honour Lecture REC,Trichy 2001
Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Gold Medal Institution of Engineers, Calcutta 2000
Prof Brahm Prakash Memorial Lecture Award Indian Institute of Metals 2000
M S Narayan Memorial Lecture Award Acoustical Society,India 1999
Guest of Honour Lecture CEMILAC, Bangalore 1999
G D Birla Gold Medal Indian Institute of Metals 1996
Best Paper - WCNDT WCNDT 1996
Grand Prize Indian Institute of Metals 1995
VASVIK Research Award Materials Science & Technology 1994
AEWG Gold Medal 1994
Keith Hartley Memorial Medal Indian Institute of Welding 1992
Sir C V Raman Award Acoustical Society of India 1992
MRSI - Medal Materials Research Society of India 1992
National Metallurgist's Day Award Ministry of Steel and Mines 1986
NDT Man of the Year Indian Society for Non-destructive Testing 1985
University First BE - Academic Award 1969
Publications & Citations of Dr. Baldev Raj (Year: 2007 – Oct. 2011)
Cumulative Publications Cumulative Citations
Scopus Citation Database (Oct.01, 2011)
No. of documents indexed in Scopus - 523
Sum of Times Cited - 2674
No. of articles carrying citations ≥ 11 - 87
Average citations per item - 5.11
H-Index - 23
The 523 selected documents are cited 2674 times
by 1815 articles in Scopus Citation database
Note: Citations for books authored/edited cannot be assessed. 2 | Publications & Citations of Dr. Baldev Raj (Oct. 2011)
Citations of Dr. Baldev Raj
(Source: Scopus, 1-10-2011)
H-Index: 23
1. Influence of microstructure and alloying elements on corrosion behavior of Ti-13Nb
13Zr alloy
Geetha, M., Kamachi Mudali, U., Gogia, A.K., Asokamani, R., Raj, B.
CORROSION SCIENCE Vol.46 Issue: 4 p.877-892 APR 2004
Times Cited 52+3
2. On the pitting corrosion resistance of nitrogen alloyed cold worked austenitic stainless
Mudali UK, Shankar P, Ningshen S., Dayal, R.K., Khatak, H.S., Raj, B.
CORROSION SCIENCE Vol.44(10) 2183-2198 OCT 2002
Times Cited: 44
3. Corrosion of bio implants
Mudali UK, Sridhar TM, Raj B
Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
Vol.28 p.601-637 Part: Part 3-4 JUN-AUG 2003
Times Cited: 40+3
4. Ultrasonic Velocity-Measurements for Estimation of Grain-Size In Austenitic StainlessSteel
NDT & E INTERNATIONAL Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 179-185 JUN 1995
Times Cited: 38 +1
5. Effect of clustering on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids
Karthikeyan NR, Philip J, Raj B
Times Cited: 35 + 2
6. Effect of digestion time and alkali addition rate on physical properties of magnetite
Gnanaprakash, G., Philip, J., Jayakumar, T., Raj, B.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2007, 111 (28), pp. 7978-7986
Times Cited: 37
7. On the influence of tempered microstructures on magnetic Barkhausen emission in
ferritic steels
Moorthy, V., Vaidyanathan, S., Jayakumar, T., Raj, B.
Philosophical Magazine A: Physics of Condensed Matter, Structure, Defects and
Mechanical Properties 1998, 77 (6), pp. 1499-1514
Times Cited: 37 3 | Publications & Citations of Dr. Baldev Raj (Oct. 2011)
8. Enhancement of thermal conductivity in magnetite based nanofluid due to chainlike
structures Philip, J., Shima, P.D., Raj, B. 2007 Applied Physics Letters 91 (20), art. no.
Times Cited: 36
9. Assessment of microstructures and mechanical behaviour of metallic materials through
non-destructive characterisation
Raj B, Moorthy V, Jayakumar T, Bhanu Sankara Rao, K.
Times Cited: 34 +1
10. Physics and chemistry of photocatalytic titanium dioxide: Visualization of bactericidal
activity using atomic force microscopy
Banerjee S., Gopal J., Muraleedharan P., Tyagi A.K., Baldev Raj
Current Science, Vol.90 (10), 2006
Times Cited: 32 + 2
11. Effect of initial pH and temperature of iron salt solutions on formation of magnetite
Gnanaprakash G, Mahadevan S, Jayakumar T, Kalyanasundaram, P., Philip, J., Raj, B.
Materials Chemistry and Physics Volume: 103 Issue: 1 P.168-175 2007
Times Cited: 30 + 2
12. Synthesis of nanocrystalline ceria by thermal decomposition and soft-chemistry
Kamruddin M, Ajikumar PK, Nithya R, Tyagi, A.K., Raj, B.
SCRIPTA MATERIALIA Vol.50 Issue: 4 p.417-422 FEB 2004
Times Cited: 30 + 2
13. Nitrogen ion implantation and in vitro corrosion behavior of as-cast Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy
Thair L, Kamachi Mudali, U., Bhuvaneswaran, N., Nair, KGM., Asokamani, R., Raj, B.
CORROSION SCIENCE Vol.44 Issue: 11 p.2439-2457 NOV 2002
Times Cited: 31
14. Corrosion and microstructural aspects of dissimilar joints of titanium and type 304L
stainless steel
Mudali UK, Rao BMA, Shanmugam K, Natarajan, R., Raj, B.
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS Vol. 321 Issue: 1 p.40-48 SEP 1 2003
Times Cited: 29 + 2
15. Microstructural characterization of quenched and tempered 0.2% carbon steel using
magnetic Barkhausen noise analysis
Moorthy V, Vaidyanathan S, Jayakumar T, Raj, B
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Vol.171 Issue: 1-2 p.179-189 1997
Times Cited: 28 + 2
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