RADHE KRISHNA 02-11-2011
G.A.TRUST Thennangur

According to ancient Indian through each Yuga has its special features as designed by the cosmic intelligence. Kali Yuga is characterized by unbounded desires, extreme pulling pressure towards worldly existence, breaking down of Brahma Tej (Value System) and dilution of Kshatriya Tej (King's Dharma) bringing about chaotic conditions for the common man. Yet, all is not lost in this Yuga.
It is opined that in Kali yuga, the path to "liberation" (Nirvana) is the easiest as compared to other Yugas. If one's final destination is to reach Him; with virtually minimal efforts, Kali Yuga offers the best opportunity. Great minds that have examined the nature of this Yuga have come up with a simple remedy for the common man to push ahead in Kali Yuga.
A remedy that is easily accessible and capable of being practiced by every one. Leading to joy in living amidst disturbances and taking one towards the goal of Godhead. This remedy is popularly known as the Namasankirthana Marga.
This webpage highlights the details of this method and how it is being re-introduced for us all to benefit form, to help us to face the challenges that lie ahead. For, now we stand at the portals of 21st Century, where the effects of Kali Yuga perhaps may reach the flash point.
Unless the mind is at peace, no thought of God would enter the portals of one's heart. Meditation calls for concentration, which requires a deliberate effort on the individual. Yoga marga calls for physical fitness and control of the senses. These methods are verily possible ; but not for many steeped mundane concern and worry. Yet, amidst all such concern and worry the natural activity of breathing goes on and on.Namasankirthan is akin to such a natural process of our daily living. Thus, it does not call for any initiation nor training and could be carried on. Naturally. Easily.
Like a Rhyme
When a child is disturbed, to pacify, the mother starts of with a lullaby. As the child enters the school, the child is introduced to nursery rhymes to sing and dance along with other children. This enables the child to cope with the new environment away from home and to feel secure. Only when the child feels secure does it start absorbing what is being taught. The lullaby and the nursery rhymes by no means are great pieces of literature or music. Yet, could any society do away with them? The pressure of living has left us all insecure like young children away from home. The need of the hour, therefore is nursery rhymes i.e. Namasankirtan.
Reminder of Home
Theologically speaking, it is believed that taking birth is a difficult choice; and that the innate desire of every individual is to get back to the comfort of the home. Yet as a child who is absorbed in it's escapades, oblivious to the home, only when the thought of home crosses its mind, the danger of staying our crosses it's mind. Namasankirtan is a gentle reminder of the home so that we do not overdo the adventure in our wordly existence.
Guru to the Rescue
Having stayed out and lost our way in the wilderness of the world, though the thought of the home has come to us, many have already lost their way. Gurus come along to guide us back to where we belong; His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God.
The Role of Guru
God's Incarnation
All of us are familiar with the celestial song Bhagavat Gita and particularly the stanza on God incarnating every yuga to restore balance.
Paritraanaya Sadhoonam Vinashaaya Cha Dushkritham Dharmasamsthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge.
Everytime one finds adharma for which no remedy is available one tends to wait for the arrival of the Lord to incarnate. however, he does not incarnate at our will. Instead, in His infinite wisdom He sends messengers in the form of Gurus who are charged with the onerous task of changing the negative tendencies among people and to lead them through the journey of terrestrial among existence. For, He is the Director of the play of life and only on rarest of rare occasions does He take on the role of an actor. When it is demanded that he should incarnate to save the universe from cataclysmic catastrophy.
Who is guru ?
The word guru means one who removes darkness; darkness from our minds. In our everyday life among our friends we find some one different from others. Oftentimes, it happens he has a greater sense of wisdom, perception and clarity. He might have indulged along with us in all our pranks; yet our inner sense always told us that he is different. Such people evolve faster and take on the mantle of spiritual leadership.
There are sets of individuals who belong to religious order and trained to become leaders. Like in a Business school, such individuals are scouted for and initiated into the order to become religious heads to guide humanity towards Godhead. Also, there are men who have had the wisdom from childhood, who on their own volition turn their efforts towards "inward search" and become enlightened.
Amidst such people one also finds a host of men who are yet to evolve and are still insecure like us all but who out o ignorance assume the role of Gurus, even before they are ready for the task.
Who Seeks Whom?
One has, therefore to exercise extreme caution before one accepts a Guru. Indeed the truth is, the Guru searches after his disciples and not the otherway around. Thus, until the time arrives for us to know our Guru whom else to turn to, other than Lord Narayana,- the ultimate Guru for us all. Thus, through Namasankirthan, the Adi Devata Sri Panduranga vittala, is ready to guide us in our search for a Guru. Namasankirthan is the way to find our guide who would lead us back to our original abode. The Kingdom of God.
Recommendation by all Gurus
All Gurus of renown have preached and practiced the same universal truth. The vehicles they have adopted might have been many to fulfil their mission to bring about order in the world as per His bidding. Most of us cling on to the vehicle and do not travel to the destination shown. Despite such limitations in our minds all these great men have advocated in a singular voice the benefit of Namasankirthan. The easy way to evolve. Thus in this marga, there is no theology; no class distinctions; no merit of learning or scholarship. All are equal. For the evolved as well for those evolving. Thus the universal Advice of Gurus is same : take to Namasankirthan to attain joy and peace.
NAMAM AND NAMI Which is powerful, Lord, "Thy name or Thyself" queried Narada.
The Lord replied: Naham Vasami Vaikunte Na Yogi Hridhaye Ravow Madh Bakthaha Yathra Gayanthi Tatra Thishtami Narada
"I lie neither in vaikunta nor in the heart of Yogis. I stand before my Bakthas when they call me (sing) in love for me"
Sri Suka Maharishi, the cvenerable son of Veda Vyasa proclaimed that:
Kalow Sankeerthya Kesavam
"Singing the glory of Lord Kesava is perhaps the easy way to attain emancipation in the age of Kali".
Number Three
The number three has a special significance in matters relating to the divine. In numerology this number represents Jupiter - known as Gurugraham - the absolute benefit planet.
Trinity of Cosmic Play
The cosmic play is enacted by the Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva - for their three fold role of creation, preservation and rejuvenation.
Music Trinity Similarly, when we talk of music we recall the trinity - Thyagayya, Muthuswamy dikshidar and Shyama Shastri. One always goes back to their contributions to get enriched in music.
Trinity of Namasankirthan
Namasankirthan, similarly has a trinity of wisemen who codified the system. Reverentially known as the Sathguru Sri Bodhendra Swamigal, Sathguru Sridhara Venkatesa Ayyaval and Maruthanallur Sri Sathguru Swamigal. If Namasankrithan has no format as per definition, then to talk about the trinity of men who condified it, might appear as a contradication. A little reflection would prove the contrary.
Language has limitations - as one tends to indulge in semantic differences. If one could read the word codification as an equivalent of padhadhi the cinfusion disappears.
Trynity of Great Renaissance
The trinity of great men brought about a renaissance in the practice of Namasankirthan. In this lies their signal contribution. Meeting the needs of humanity they had to serve.
Sathguru Bodhendra Swamigal Sri Bodhendra Swamigal adopted the simplest format of Ramanama sankirthna as the only necessary step. His padhadhi was know as the Rama Nama Siddantham. The concept he adopted was simple. If Saint Valmiki, who by even chanting MARA instead of RAMA could achieve such great heights of evolution, then there was no need to search for any other nama. Sri Bodhendra Swamigal's life's mission was to spread the two syllable name of RAMA to be chanted with all its possible variants to express different emotive communication with the creator in various ragas and in classical styles. He believed and rightly so, that when the Taraka Mantra is available, why search for more namas. The repetition of the same nama in different styles appeals to both the learned, musically inclined and to the commoner. This is called the Rama Nama Siddantam meaning achieving Siddi through Rama Nama. In Support of this claim, non other than Iswara proclaims in Vishnu Sahasranama thus:
Sri Rama Rama Ramethi Rame Raame Manorame Sahasranama Thathulyam Rama Nama Varanane.
"One who is sweet to mind. Called endearingly Rama Rama, In Him I reside. And Rama Nama is equal To His thousand other names"
Sathguru Sridhara Ayyaval
Sathguru Sridhra Ayyaval, the next in line did not differ from Swami Bodhendra. However, in tune with the expanding need for Namasankirthan he adopted a neo-classical style for this movement and claimed "call whatever name you want to; but never cease to call" This is a deliberate departure as people even belonging to other sects, who strongly believed in theur Ishta Devatas could be drawn to this movement. His style was not rigid but the concept of emotive appeal in call was the dominant proposition.
Sri Sathguru Swamigal
Sri Sathguru Swamigal went on step further. He toured the length and breadth of the country; collected both rustic and other forms of Namasankirthan and compiled them into compendiums; the virtual store house for this movement, for others to emulate and to refer to. He claimed that each on could call the several Namas of God and dance around in unison in whatever way each one was used to and as taught to them in their nativity. As long as the purpose was served of calling Him was fulfilled, the movement would pick-up momentum. The Abhanga form of North India could be classified under Sathguru Padhadhi.
With cummunication expanding, the world has become narrower. Thus, today Namasankirthan is being followed as recommended by Sri Sathguru Swamigal in contemporary style throwing open the flood gates as it were, for all to take to it not only in India but around the globe.
The World Movement Sri Sathguru Swamigal's padhadhi had all features to make it a world movement. The honour of engaging in this divine task feel on the lot of Swami Sri Haridhos Giri, the chief disciple of Seami Gnanananda Giri of Tapovanam. On initiation into sanyasa, the young Sri Haridhos Giri Swamigal had nothing else to seek except the lotus feet of his Guru Maharaj. His guru bakthi knew no bounds. Truly he practiced in his own life the padhadhi categorized by Sri Sathguru Swamigal as Guru Vandanam - viz., sining the Guru's praise with love, devotion and dedication. Knowing intuitively that Swami Haridass Giri was going to make a mark in the world arena in the field of Namasankirthan, Sri Gananananda Giri Swamigal after giving him the Deeksha, charged him with the task of spreading this master got all that there was to know, so also it happened to swami Sri Haridhos giri. From his master - through the touch of his master's lotus feet on his head. Energised thus, the last three decades had seen Namasankrithan being spread all over the globe, by Swami Haridhos Giri who is endearingly called by his devotees as GURUJI.
A world movement needs its own visual means of recognition. Also when the fraternity meets to bring about a sense of camaraderie, special greetings will have to be exchanged.
The Namasankithan movement piloted n\by Swami Sri Haridhos Giri has adopted the sign of the index finger and the middle finger of the right hand streatched making a formation of the alphabet "V" with other fingers turned inside towards the plam. This symbol does not denote the theological concept of dualism. Nor does it indicate the alphabet V to denote victory.
The two fingers represent symbolically the prakrithi represented by Radha and the Parampurusha represented by Krishna. All of us are parts of prakrithi - the female principle in creation. The only true purusha in Krishna. The gopikas represent in Krishna Leela the Dasya Marga adopted by the Rishis to reach the Parampurusha. Namasankirthan is a branch of Bakthi Marga in Dasya Bahva(looking upto Krishna as the dominant male) to love Him, as a female would pine for her lover to bring about the union with the Parampurusha.
In Bakthi Marga four different ways to communicate with the Lord are prescribed viz., The Matru Bhava (God as Motehr) Vatsalya bhava (God as a child) Sakya Bhava(God as a friend) and Dasys Bhava (God as one's husband). In the Namasankirthan route the calling out the divine names should lead one to ecstatic height of joy and to forget the temporal care and concern. To raise one to such emotive empathy would be possible only under the Dasya Bhava. Therefore, Swami Sri Haridhos Giri chose the sign as explained and designated the Greetings among his followers as Radhe Krishna.
HOW NAMASANKIRTHAN WORKS The human mind keeps generating thoughts. It is like the waves in the ocean. It is like the waves in the ocean. Constant. Everpresent. However, in side the waves it is calm. Thus, instead of trying to control the thought process which in any case would be a futile exercise, accept that the thought waves like the waves in the seas would exist always. Yet , if one wants to keep away the effects of the ways, one should transcent it. Go under the waves. It would be common experience that when one gets under the water, no waves are perceived nor felt. Since we hold our breadth, the concentration is intense on the "breadth". In a similar fashion, in ecstatic mood of signing or dancing in love for the lord, one transcends the mind, for one's concentration is on the Lord and steeped in Dasya Bhava when all other things around disappear. Including the care and concerns of our mundane life. In a therapeutic sense, Namasabkirthan would bring about the benefit of a better sense of purpose existence leading to a more attitude towards life. The mind would be charged with the faith that the Lord is ever present with us to solve our problems. Thus, a sense of well being and security descends. One is thus prepared now well to face the world. By and by the involvement with god takes over. Transcending other bondages and desires. Thus, Heaven is perceived in one's environs-inside. The impact of the outside world gradually tapers down leading to a sense of neutrality to all things. One does not pass judgement nor express rancour. Sense control becomes automatic as the joy experienced through Namasankirthan becomes a preferred pursuit for satisfaction replacing the gratification through senses. Mind becomes alert and one also develops a sensitivity towards the right and wrong and the travel through life becomes an enjoyable experience.
Namasankirthan as has been explained is a free for all mode of reaching an ecstatic state of union with God through verbal expressions with feelings thrown in as the music component of this practice. All of us have in us the innate capability to express rythm, layam, raagam etc. All these are nothing but the manifested form of our emotions and feelings. Thus in namasankirthan one does not have to learn anything. One has to only tap the resourses from within.
About Us (G.A.TRUST Thennangur)
Sathguru Swami Gnanananda Giri a diciple of Swami Sivaratna Giri of Jothir Mutt, one of the four Amnaya Mutts established by Adi Sankara, relinquished his Peetam and toured the length and breadth of India, Ceylon and burma before He could establish an abode for peace at Tapovanam in late 40s.
'Kalau Sankeerthya Kesavan' (chant the name of the Lord Kesava) is the catchword for emancipation of human race from worldly turmoil, said Sage Suka to king Parikshit. Then was born, the Namasankeerthanam.
Several Godmen descended this earth to propagate the ideals of Namasankeerthanam; the celebrated Maharashtra Saints, Sankeerthana Mummurthigal, Meera, Chaithanya Maha Prabhu, Badrachala Ramados & others.-the line continues. The crest jewel of Sankeerthana Tradiation of this century is swami Haridhos Giri, affectionately called 'Guruji' who lived for establishing Namasankeerthanam and made people realise the words of Sage Suka.
Touring the world to spread the gospel of Swami Gnanananda Giri, Guruji emphasised the need for a permanent establishment to propagate Namasankeerthanam. It was the command of His Master, Guruji chose Dakshina Halasyam [Thennangur village] as the abode for spreading the knowledge of Sanathana Dharma through the medium of Namasankeerthanam and at the same time imparting education on ancient texts, such as vedas,puranas etc. "Dakshina Halasyam" has a divine tale behind it. it is the place where Goddess Meenakshi was found as a small child by the Pandyan king. Hence it is called 'Halasyam' and as Dakshina Halasyam.
It is but proper to install a temple for Goddess Meenakshi at this place. Infact there existed Meenakshi Sundareswarar Temple in days past, but become dilapidated and mingled with the mother Earth. Human upliftment is achieved not only by spiritual pursuits but also by extending help to the poor and down trodden. This was the cardinal rule which Guruji adhered to till his last breath. He therefore established this spiritual abode, with an accent on social service to the poor. An old age home has now been constructed with 50 independent rooms with all facilities together with big Dormitory in the second floor. This permises is named as Lakshmi Bhavanam' will remain a place of peace and tranquility, in an atmosphere of divinity for those who had no help from their kith and kin and need help at the evening of their lives.
Veda Patasala in the Gurukula system undertaken by the leadership of late Brahmashree Sukabrahmam Sasthrigal, a doyen in the field, is now functioning with 12 students on the rolls. Apart from Vedic education, general proficiency in English and allied subjects are imparted to students. A separate endowment is created for running this instituation and this needs supplementation.
There is a saying in Tamil that 'one should not live in a place where there is no temple'. Sri Guruji, in order to blend the styles of North and South in Architecture has built a temple for Pandurangan and Rukmayee in the style and form a puri jagannath temple with front Gopurams on Pallava style of Architecture. The temple is nearing completion and is being consecrated on 9.2.96. This temple has an unique Art decoration, first of its kind in India, where mural forms are embedded on the walls and ceiling of ArdhaMantapam and Maha Mantapam specially conceived and erected by Sri Natanam, the renowned mural Architect. The temple will have the main deities in the Garbagraham with Pancholoka Dwara Palaks at the entrance. The temple is constructed by Sri Muthiah Sthapathy, a pioneer in temple Architecture.
Guruji is still with us in His omnipotent form and He is depicted in a formless-form as a Brindavan in the 'Matam' constructed in a grand form. This 'Matam' is annexed to the temple of Guru Maharaj, Sri Sadhguru Gnanananda Giri Swamigal. The Brindavan will be facing Guru Maharaj. This Matam contains a separate kitchen and four well constructed rooms and an underground cell. This will be the place from where both Sri Guru Maharaj and Guruji will shower Their Blessings to the entire mankind.
'Food for thought' should always be supplemented by 'Food for the body'. A huge Dining Hall and kitchen to feed more that 2000 persons at a time had already been constructed and completed. This well equipped kitchen with all appliances will serve the needy as well as the guests. Sri Guruji has perpetuated a scheme known as 'PPF' which will provide food for all those who come to Ashram as well as to the inmates of old age home. This fund is contributed by the Devotees from all over the world.
Tastes differ. In our Asram, People from all walks of life will come for sipiritual knowledge. A good serene atmosphere is needed. Cottages are constructed in 'Santh Nagar', and each cottage is furnished with all modern amenities for Yatri's comfort.
Luxury, though not required in Ashram life, it cannot be ignored. Six luxury cottages each at a cost of over Rs.12 lakhs have been constructed. More cottages will be constructed after receipt of funds for the same from the devotees and philanthrophists.
'Namasankeerthanam' is the keyword for Guruji. A hall with all the Baghavatha Saints with their images have been decorated beautifully and it is unique. It carries the message of Sage 'Suka' in its physical form.
An auditorium to accommodate more than 1000 persons with a huge stage and attendant implements in completed to conduct external events, discourses and other like gatherings.
It is the blissful desire of Sri Guruji to build a multi-purpose hospital to cater to the needs of the poor and needy and this project is already taken up by the Trust. Yet another project in the vision of Sri Guruji to open an educational centre to cater the poor and deserving in scholastic and collegiate courses with due emphasis on the Indian ancient culture. This project is yet to begin. The nature and exprenses of the project depend on the munifeicent donations from the devotees of Guru Maharaj and Guruji. This complex will be an abode for spiritual upliftment to the entire humanity without any discrimination of caste, creed or sex and this will remain a fore-runner for future generations in understanding and appreciating the catolicity of our Dharma and the values of human life. A mere glance at the collossal way Sri Guruji has set His Mission for the sake of humanity resounds the words of Guru Maharaj.
GOSHALA in Thennangur
Sanathana Dharma declares Mother as primordial GURU. She informs the child about his father and she treats the child with all love and affection. She is unequal. But all do not have the mother's love and affection. So 'Shakthi' - cause of the universe is addressed as Sri Mathre Namaha in Lalitha Sahasranamam and the scriptures further declare that there are four other mothers for the human being. They are Go Matha, Veda Matha, Desa Matha and Jagan Matha.
The greatness of a cow and its sanctifying products are enshrined in the rituals to have them as a purifying object of doing the ritual. The Panchakavya Consisting - Milk / Curd / Ghee / Excretion (Dung) & Go-moothra have Ayurvedic medicinal qualities and act as disinfectant.
Kalidas has declared that the Godhooli - the dust from feet of cow is so holy that it purifies every evil. Thus the protection of a cow is a duty of every Hindu Sanathanist. To emphasize cow protection (Go Samrakshana), Guruji has established a Gosamrakshanasala at Thennangur treating cows with utmost sanctity and G A Trust established by Sri GURUJI is incurring a good expenditure on this account.
A few devotees of GURUJI have suggested to the Trustees of G A Trust to start a permanent account for Gosamrakshana and now a separate fund named Go Samrakshana Nidhi has been constituted. Devotees who are interested in adding to the corpus of this fund may send their donations to G A Trust for Gosamrakshana Nidhi. This would be a permanent fund, the proceeds of which will be spent for the expenses incurred for Gosamrakshana.
Furthre, it has been decided to formulate a scheme to collect voluntary donations from devotees towards the cost of maintaining one cow on a regular monthly basis and the contribution for the same is is fixed at Rs. 1,250/- per cow per month. Devotees who are willing to contribute to this scheme can sponsor any number of cows every month or altnernatively they may donate at a rate of Rs. 15000/- towards maintenance including feeding, medicine, etc. per cow per year. At present we have 52 cows at our Gosala out of wich only one third are milking. The scheme has been formulated to cover the maintenance of non milking cows also with the availabl funds.
Devotees are requested to participate in the above scheme whole heartedly and receive the blessings of our Great Masters.
In Kaliyuga - as Rishi Sukha says -Kalau Sankeerthaya kesavam(the singing in praise of kesava) is the easy path to attain godhood and sprituality.
Naham vasami Vaikunte
Na yogi Hridayae Ravow
Math Baktha Yathra Gayanthi
Thatra Thishtami - Narada
"I do not reside in Vaikunta. Nor do i reside in the hearts of Yogis meditating on me. But then I do dwell in the hearts of my bakthas, singing, dancing anf chanting my name Oh! Narada" - so says the Lord and in true translation of this into parctice in Kaliyuga, Swami Haridhos Giri - the principal disciple of Sri Gnanananda Giri Swami of Tapovanam (Near Tirukoilur) and 'Guruji' to many of us (affectionately so called) set out to propagate 'Nama Sankirthanam' as his Chief mission in life. This helps one to attain sayujya, i.e. oneness with the Lord.
This mission to propagate nama sankirthanam throughout the country and abroad, motivated Guruji to build an alayam for sri Panduranga, at Thennangur and this avatar of Lord Krishna is to do and propagate Namasankeerthanam.
The Panduranga alayam is unique in several respects; it blends the cultures of the North and South roclaiming the national oneness and integration. The main Gopuram is in the architectural style of puri jagannath temple, its Rajagopuram in the South India Chola temple style; and the presiding deity of Panduranga from Maharashtra. What better example is possible for cultural integration of India, than this unique edifice?
It is this great temple to which we go and where we all pray and get blessed. it was built by the untiring efforts of our revered Guruji, with the Blessings of His Great Master.
The Blissful Golden Padukas of both Gurumaharaj and Guruji are housed in the complex for daily worship by devotees, by performing Padapoojas, which offers unlimited Grace and Welfare both in this world and above. Donations for the Padapoojas, both ordinary and by Swarna Pushpam, are included in the enclosure.
As true disciple of Guruji, we have to surrender ourselves to Guru and in this surrender and motivation, we can always achieve things not ordinarily attainable. This Guru bakthi must be our driving force.
The temples that are built by this great saint and guru need to be visited often and participating in the activities of the shrines, can attain greater and greater successes and the blessings of Guruji. Words become redundant to convey this message. It needs to be experienced. "Guror Angri Padme Thathah Kim" says Adi Sankara.
Surrender to the Guru and true bakthi could make even an ordinary person attain great heights of fame and achievement. Our Guruji is a shining example of this truth. In a short span of time, as an individual and all alone, dependent on the nurturing bhakthi to Guru Gnanananda and with remarkable courage, our Guruji could build this vast temple-complex. This is an achievement of great dimension.
Radhe Krishna.

JAI SATHGURU MAHARAJ RADHE KRISHNA Guruji's Arul Mandapam JAI SATHGURU MAHARAJ RADHE KRISHNA Swami Gnanananda Giri, the sixth Peetathipathi of Jyothir Mutt, one of the four Amnaya Mutts established by Adi Sankara, not only traveled the width & breadth of our country ? Bharath, but also visited Burma & Sri Lanka and finally stayed at Thapovanam on the northern banks of Pennai River near Thirukovilur showering His Grace to the entire mankind. His Chief Disciple SWAMI HARIDHOS GIRI, known familiarly as GURUJI, spread the cult of Nama Sankirthanam all over the world and established this Peetam in the name of His Maser. In the course of His mission, GURUJI established many Mandalis, Seva Samajams and other Philanthropic institutions throughout the world. With the Blessings of His Guru and with the help of His devotees, He established a trust by name ?G A Trust? which has undertaken, here at Sri Gnanananda Giri Peetam, Thennangur, the construction of Holy Abode having several Shrines ? Maha Shodasi & Sathgurunathar at Madam, Sri Panduranga Rukumayee Alayam, Sri Lakshmi Narayanan Temple, Meenakshi Sundareswarar Alayam, Nama Sankirthana Mandapam, Annadhana Mandapam, Gosala, Home For the Aged, Veda Patasala, etc. These Shrines were consecrated on 9th February 1996. This Holy place is now a ?Heavenly Abode? in ?Bhooloka?. This ordeal He could accomplish by total surrender to the Holy Feet of His Guru, Swami Gnanananda Giri. Sri Swami Haridhos Giri shed His mortal coil on 4th September 1994 at Koteeswar near Rudraprayag in the Himalayas by entering into Jalasamadhi but spiritually showering His Bountiful Blessings to all. This Arul Mandapam (memorial) was opened on 6th September 2002 on His Annual Mahapooja day ? amidst Nama Sankirthanam by His devotees. RADHE KRISHNA
1) Completed seven years of service to the rural poor successfully 2) Regular inflow and treatment of out-patients / 24 hours Emergency 3) Inpatient – Critical care / Maternity Care 4) Regular ophthalmic, Gynaec and General Consultations 5) Visiting expert consultants 6) Multi fold increase in Rural mass healthcare 7) Diabetic / T B / Hypertension cases identified /counselled and treated 8) Boon for our Old Age Home, other inmates, Sevarthis of our Ashram and visiting devotees 9) Regular counselling for medical / surgical & dietic 10) Canteen to give controlled diet to the inpatients 11) Quarterly IMA meeting 12) Continuous medical education program for Junior doctors and Nurses 13) In-house Pharmacy / Lab / X-ray / ECG / Ultrasound / Theatre / Physiotherapy section / Ayurvedic treatment / etc. 14) Ambulance facility 15)Extension counter at Perunagar [near Kanchipuram] for better health care reach to surrounding villages 16) Regular free medical camps at the Hospital and also surrounding villages 17) Very affordable charges – Free Consultation and medicines at concessional rates 18) Sincere and well trained Para-medical staff New Addition:- Ultra Sound Scanning Machine donated by State Bank of India Appeal:- We are planning to build a Corpus Fund and Devotees may come forward to contribute their mite to sustain the service rendered by our Guruji Medical Centre & Hospital in the long run.
 Distance from
Chennai - 105 Kms
Kancheepuram - 34 Kms
Vandavasi - 6 Kms
Bus Route No. from Chennai
104, 148 Radhe Krishna.
Sri Gnianananda Giri Peetam,
Dakshina Halasyam,Thennangur-604408.
(via) Vandavasi Tk,Thiruvannamalai Dt
Phone No:- 04183-225997
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